Every day at 7:25 a.m., with additional announcements at 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., we select one person celebrating their birthday to receive:
- 🎤 A shoutout on the radio with a surprise phone call from our morning show.
- 🎁 A gift certificate for a free dessert from either Ludington Bay Brewery or Jamesport Brewing Company.
- 🎂 A slice of birthday cake from Britter’s Twisted Whisk and a gift certificate from either Jamesport or Ludington Bay (must reside within Mason, Oceana, Manistee, or Lake Counties) and we will only deliver if you are in a 15 mile radius of the radio station. You are always welcome to pick it up from the radio station.
🗝️ Each day, during our birthday announcements, we also share a unique “Birthday Key Word” for all members celebrating that day.
💵 Monthly Prizes: At the end of each month, we award $100 in cash.
💰 Annual Grand Prize: At the end of the year, we randomly select one Birthday Club member for a $1,000 cash prize.
📝 Important: To claim these prizes, winners must provide the correct “Birthday Key Word” announced on the radio at the specified times. If the correct key word isn’t provided, another winner will be drawn until the prize is claimed.
🔒 Rest assured, we value your privacy. We won’t share your information with anyone else or inundate you with emails. Our goal is simply to reward you for listening and show our appreciation to our amazing listeners.
🎈 Ready to join the fun? Sign up below: