What’s in the BOX presented by West Shore Bank?

Amount is now up to: $192.70

Congrats to our first winner: Chad $342.70 won on May 15th
Congrats to our second winner: Kayla $352.70 won on June 2nd
Congrats to our third winner: Bradly $40.27 and a PS3 on June 5th

Ready to play “What’s In The Box?” Each morning at 7:20am we will take 3 contestants and they’ll have the chance to ask one question to get them closer to the correct answer. If you get it wrong we increase the prize by $10. We start at $10.27 in cash. Once someone identifies the prize, we will start over with a new item in the box. Get ready to call in at (231) 480-1027 each morning.

Clues and questions so far and a photo of the box is below:

Question:Is it made of paper?No
Question:Is it an air freshner?No
Question:Can you play with it?No
Question:Is it a coaster?No
Question:Is it made out of medal?Yes, part of it
Question:Is it a fork?No
Question:Is it multicolored?Yes
Question:Is it a hat?No
Question:Is it a US FlagNo
Question:Is it a tool?Yes
Question:Is it a tape measure?No
Question:Is it metallic?Yes, part of it
Question:Is it a screwdriver>No
Question:Can you put something in it?No
Question:Is it a tarp?No
Question:Can you use it in the garden?No
Question:Is it an envelope openerNo
Question:Can you wear it?No
Question:Is it a tire guage?No
Question:It is a penNo
Question:Is it a pride flag?No
Question:Is it an umbrella?No
Question:Does it go in a tool box?Not normally
Question:Is it plyers?No
 It is a tire pump?